How to Get a CDL License: Training, Costs & Requirements

Are you ready to start your career as a professional truck driver? Obtaining your Commercial Driver’s License (CDL) is the key to driving commercial vehicles and securing a rewarding position in the trucking industry. Here at American Driver Training Academy, we will walk you through the necessary steps, from understanding CDL requirements to choosing the […]

CDL Training in Delaware

Looking for CDL training in Delaware? Then your search can come to an end! At the American Driver Training Academy, we help anyone wanting to be a trucker obtain their CDL licenses so that they can kick-start their trucking careers. Additionally, we understand that hiring skilled drivers is a challenge for the transportation industry. To […]

Do Felonies Disqualify You From Getting a CDL?

Happy truck driver maneuvering his truck in the parking lot of a truck stop

We all make mistakes — it’s a part of being human. Unfortunately, some mistakes carry heavier consequences than others. If you’ve been dreaming of hitting the open road and leaving your problems behind while earning good money, you’re likely worried your past mistakes could prevent you from getting your commercial driver’s license (CDL). The good […]

Community College vs. Training School: How Should I Get My CDL?

truck driver in drivers seat

In these challenging times, more than ever, the trucking industry is looking for dedicated and well-trained truck drivers. But truck driving requires a lot of training. If you’re thinking about obtaining a commercial driver’s license (CDL), then you might be wondering about the best way you can get this training and ensure you’re truly comfortable […]